Why Fresh 48's are my favorite sessions - Houston, Texas

I’m going to be honest with you …. I’ve been pregnant twice in my life and absolutely did NOT enjoy being pregnant. I was not one of those women that just glowed and beamed and felt in tune with my body. It was the opposite. I was sick almost the whole time with both pregnancies, felt very out of touch with my body and just generally felt like a whopping cow with a broken out face. Also both of my kiddos were born early and spent a few weeks in the NICU before coming home. At the time, the NICU made me sad. I wanted to take my babies home with me. I cried every time I had to leave them and counted down the minutes until the NICU would be just a memory for us. But now? When I think back to our NICU time I remember all the sweet sweet moments; how I would spend hours and hours holding them, with nothing to do but love on them, their little wispy brand new hair, my daughters sweet little bow lips and my sons long skinny newborn feet.

Oh what I would give to have some beautiful images from that time we spent there.

Although I haven’t done a Fresh 48 session in the NICU, the reasons that my Fresh 48 sessions are my favorite are the same.


Mama’s, here me out: YOU WILL NOT REGRET HAVING THESE IMAGES. How could you possibly ever regret an image of your baby girls sweet wrinkly umbilical cord? Or your sons full newborn cheeks with those brand new baby toes and wrinkly legs. What about their little hospital bracelet with their name on it? Or your brand new baby in the bassinet where he slept right next to you the very first night of his/her life.


There is a place for traditional newborn photography. I have so many colleagues that do such amazing beautiful work and I cant tell you how much I love it. But what I want to capture for you is that first 48 hours your baby is born. All the little details of the brand new beginning of your lives together and the details from the very beginning that change SO FAST. Just a week after your new one is born his features will change. I want to make sure you don’t forget any of it.


The one take away I would give you is DONT BE LIKE KATY! Capture it all and don’t forget all the special details that will fade so fast.